Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Walter White Wednesday 89

. . . the snowstorm version!

My part of western NC is battening down the hatches in preparation for the arrival of Winter Storm Pax (as a Whedon fan, I quake at all things called "Pax."  Watch Serenity and you'll understand my fear) and I still have a few things to take care of prior to the arrival of what very well may be a major snowstorm for my region.  (Don't bother teasing me about this - sure, Chicago has lake effect snow and can handle a foot of the white stuff, but they can't handle 90+ degree summer heat; something we handle with a minimum of grumbling, so things tend to even out.)

This week, I can report that plans for the Wanna Cook? launch are proceeding.  I still can't say much about that, which I suppose makes me a bit of a tease.  But I don't want to say something now and have to retract it in March, so just know that we're working on that and it's going to be great!  Again, if you're interested in having us appear in your town, drop me a tweet (@KDaleKoontz) or a comment here on the blog and we'll work to get things set up.

In other Breaking Bad news, did you see Walt's Facebook retrospective?  It makes me wonder what others would look like - Jesse's in particular, although I bet Marie's would be a hoot, too.

But then there's also this - a stark reminder of why purity in processing is so important to Walt.  And why it should matter to you, too!

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