Monday, February 18, 2008

Moving Onward

Sorry - this is a few days later than I had wanted it to be, but I spent the weekend commuting up to Davidson to attend a Shakespeare symposium and that meant a few things here fell by the wayside.

On Valentine's Day, we viewed and discussed the Season Five Buffy episode "Family," which explores the intersection of blood family and chosen family, with some interesting ideas on family beliefs and legends thrown in as well. This week, we move on to Angel and there's been a change of plans. As I was reviewing the episode I'd chosen for this week, it occurred to me that it is part of a multi-episode arc and it was going to be very difficult to set up properly in our limited time frame. So I'm skipping ahead to the Season Three episode "Fredless" instead. If you'll follow this link, you'll go to the Buffyworld site, where you can access the transcript of the episode. In class, I'll catch you up to speed, then we'll watch and discuss the episode in terms of parent/child relationships, leaving home and finding it again.

See you Thursday!

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