Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Off to the Big Easy!

There's only one reel this week - my college is on fall break, so my film class has the week off to digest What We've Done So Far before we dive into the depiction of aliens in science fiction and the ways in which their changes reflect our changes.

I'm off to New Orleans tomorrow for the regional PCA/ACA conference, where I'm due to present on Cowboy Bebop's potential influences on Whedon's Firefly.  It's only a short presentation, so I (as usual) wind up scratching the surface and asking more questions that perhaps actually get answered.  Here's hoping it goes well - tune in later this week for an update following Friday's presentation.

Of course, it's not just about me - this is a large conference and there's also a "conference within a conference" centering on some little show called Lost or Misplaced or something like that.  There will be much to see and hear and speculate upon, as there always is at a conference with such wide-ranging topics.  (FryDaddy is scheduled to present on Saturday about Samuel Colt in real life, myth and on Supernatural, which promises to be a show-stopper.)

I plan to post often - maybe even once a day, but that may be a goal too lofty.  Check in and see, won't you?

Also, over at the continuing Rewatch, that's me who's in the hot seat this week.  I cover three "Willowcentric" episodes from Season Six and my interpretation is met with some resistance amongst part of the fan base.  However, I stand by my assessment - Willow's an addict and she hits some form of bottom by the end of this week's trio of episodes.  Read the post and the comments and see what you think!

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