Thursday, January 31, 2008

Next Week!

Our next class begins next Thursday! I'm not sure about the room yet - it'll be best to check in at the main desk in the Jack Hunt Campus Center when you arrive Thursday night. Class will follow our usual format of a quick overview of characters and themes, followed by watching the episode. We'll then take a brief break, then come back for what is sure to be a spirited discussion about how families are portrayed in the work of Joss Whedon.

This go-round, we'll be moving beyond BUFFY to include ANGEL and FIREFLY. Each episode will get our attention for two weeks. We'll start with the BtVS episodes "Pangs" (Season 4) and "Family" (Season 5). Then we'll move on to the world of ANGEL and focus on "Through the Looking Glass" (Season 2) and "Fredless" (Season 3). Finally, we'll wrap up with a look at Whedon in space with "Safe" and "Out of Gas" (alas, both from Season 1, as FIREFLY only got about half a season - trust me, you'll wish there was more!)

Please - tell your friends! There's plenty of room left. See you there!

Thursday, January 3, 2008


Just a couple of reminders - the next Whedon class begins on Thursday, Feb. 7. The six-week course will run through Thursday, March 13 with each session meeting from 6 to 8 p.m. We'll be exploring just what makes a group of people a "family" in this class, which will utilize examples from Whedon's shows Buffy, Angel and Firefly. Familiarity with the shows is nice, but not necessary.

If you've been wanting to show your skeptic friends/family members what all the fuss is about, this might be the class you've been waiting for! Contact the Continuing Education department at Cleveland Community College to register. They can be reached at (704) 484-5324.

In other Whedon news, please indulge me for a moment - I have to crow about this. McFarland has included my upcoming text on faith and Whedon in their Spring catalog (I'm also available for pre-order on Amazon! Go on, follow the links!) The text is slated for a June release and has no bearing whatsoever on the upcoming course - I just was thrilled at seeing another concrete step happening in this l-o-n-g process!

See you in class!